Advertising Social Media

September Post Of The Month with @neilperkin

The nominations are in and the shortlist has been made for post of the month in September over on Neil’s blog Only Dead Fish.

All shortlisted are worthy of your time so I recommend checking each and every out (but vote for the last one yeah?)

Here they are below and you can vote for your favourite here

How To Be A Better Brand Planner by Julie Cottin

This is Not The Time For Big Lazy Brands from Helge Tenno

Why Not Take A Moment To Define Success Before You Pursue It by Alex Bogusky

When The S**t Hits The Fan, It’s Time To Innovate by Alan Moore

A Brief Message For European Marketing Directors from Gemma Teed

Kate Moss & Me by Neil Perkin

Is Social Media Measurement Really Meaningless? by some random chancer..

Cool Digital Goodies Tech

Google’s 87 Cool Things from Advertising Week

Andy Berndt, MD of Google Creative Lab and Tom Uglow, Creative Lead presented this recently on Day 1 of Advertising Week 2009. Well worth your time.

You can grab the PDF and the PPT versions of the presentation here. The podcast is here also.

During, Andy asked them to obviously think about Google when creating experiences.  For me, what resonated most was that he reminded everyone to experiment often, be creative, try new things, and don’t be afraid to fail.

I don’t think that happens enough. Trying, innovating and sometimes failing. It’s easier to stick to what’s known rather than taking risks to potentially produce truly innovative stuff. Creativity and ideas generation is still alive and well but execution is being stifled by budgets and ignorance to enter new and unchartered territory. Budgets will always to some extent stifle what can and can’t be done. Also, understandably, it’s difficult from a large client perspective when there’s a lack of knowledge about all things digital and a hesistancy to try something that bit different. But that’s what the agency is there for, to bring them in to this new age of brilliance. I commend the one’s that make it out there in the wild and receive award after award but for every one stand out idea, there’s a thousand that get binned. It’s a shame.

Many of the experiments in 87 cool things highlighted mashups, interactivity, unique data usage, and the fusion of virtual worlds and reality.

From Google Maps and YouTube Annotations, to Insights for Search and a wide array of APIs, it’s easier than ever to play with inventive marketing ideas, using Google of course. We’re told to think of these tools and platforms as our blank canvas, and just have fun.

These innovative campaigns, projects, and even accidents can encourage us to expand our imaginations, think beyond our expectations and consider the impossible. Did you ever think Ohio could be a piano? Or that you would analyze your daily food consumption, and catalog it by cuisine? Or that an engaging and informative website could live entirely on YouTube? I didn’t!

Via Adwords Agency Blog


Cool Gaming Retail Social Media Twitter

Heralding a new era of social gaming..

I noticed this rather bullish full page advert from Microsoft in a recent issue of MCV and it struck me that we’re now entering in to a new era of social gaming. The potential is limitless.

Before it’s even available for gamers to try out today, the functionality with Twitter and Facebook on the 360 is being talked up, and talked up it should. This cannot be underestimated. It’s bringing social networking in to your living room and on your TV.  It’s also a huge USP for the Xbox 360 in it’s ongoing and bloody battle against the Playstation 3. The launch of the PS3 Slim was timely met by Microsoft with a price cut of their own and puts the ball back in Sony’s court.

For social networking to now be a selling point on a games console shows how far it’s come. This is great news for Facebook and Twitter (perhaps more so for Twitter) because it takes it to another level, that bit more mainstream. Everyone uses Facebook, Twitter is still a nice communications tool. It might help more people understand it and ‘get’ it.

Little is known how they are going to look on your TV screen and how they are going to connect to your gaming experience and whilst I hope my feeds are not going to be spammed by friends who have just gained achievement X on game X, it shows that gaming is no longer something that’s done by a stereotypically aged male in a darkened room. They are now the entertainment hubs, in your living room and providing fun for all the family.

Social Gaming


Creative Brilliance in Advertising

A short one this time but have just been browsing through the following and I felt I had to share with you all. It features creatively brilliant advertisements from agencies across the globe so I’d like to invite you to feast your eyes on over 60 of ’em here

Which are your top 3 and why?


100 Best Ads / Campaigns

Well worth a read, the top 100 ads as voted by Creativethinkjuice.

It’s no surprise which is No1, an iconic classic in advertising history. Which is your favourite out of the Top 100?

The following list has been compiled by Creative Think Juice with the following considerations (from one degree-to-another): the marketing idea the behind ad, creative concept overall, and overall impact on brand.

100 Best Ads / Campaigns