
Here’s a theme to make Google+ look exactly like Facebook.


This actually might help more people make the move over. Here's what mine looks like. Try it for yourself here.

A new Gmail design coming to a (computer) screen near you


And it looks something like this….

More on that here

The Fall Of MySpace


Google+. It’s no Google Wave. It’s ace!



Why Do People Follow Brands On Social Platforms?


Thanks for the sorbet @mozmobile #fxicecream


Foursquare badge crawl. Creating physical out of virtual.


Here's 4sq Badge Crawl, a bit of a pointless application all said and done but a nice way of mapping out what you need to do next to get the badges your missing. So its creating even more value out of the badging mechanic on Foursquare. Which is clever. 

Here's what my plan looks like. 


Turbo Tango by Britvic. Sounds hilarious and amazing.

The new brand, which is aimed at teens features ‘nitro-fuelled’ aerosol technology, to deliver a foamy blast of orange.

A limited edition launch will take place in July, focusing on teen leisure and impulse outlets as well as selected cinemas throughout the summer.

Should the product prove successful, Britvic will consider making the range available to a wider range of retailers next year.

“Customers already love Tango’s quirky, adventurous and irreverent advertising, and we believe this new twist on the brand will generate even more fans – teens and adults alike,” said Jonathan Gatward, marketing director at Britvic Soft Drinks.

The launch of the new product will be supported by a sponsorship deal with the new film from teen cult series ‘The Inbetweeners’, which breaks in cinemas this August, along with creative viral media campaigns and outdoor advertising.

The pack, designed by brand specialists Blue Marlin, aims to be deliberately edgy and disruptive to engage with it target audience.

The challenging and urban-style graphics are very much in keeping with Tango’s inherent brand personality.

Blue Marlin global CEO Andrew Eyles comments: “Turbo Tango is going to be a huge hit with the target market. It’s what Tango is all about: being different and having irreverent fun. To say it breaks the category norms is something of an understatement.”


P&G launch SIX Facebook Stores (Live Learning Labs)


P&G have considerably upped their F-Commerce game by adding not one but six brand stores to Facebook. They are: TideGilletteOlayGainCoverGirlLuvs and Febreze

The following from Social Commerce Today: 

As with last year’s pilot P&G Facebook stores, P&G are outsourcing e-commerce heavy lifting; this time not to Amazon, but to PFSWeb‘s eStore – an independent online retailer that exclusively sells P&G products.  The f-commerce software is a very slick looking Resource Interactive product formally known as “off-the-wall”, but now rebranded as DCP (Distributed Commerce Platform). For a brand manufacturer with limited e-commerce experience, this outsourcing is smart.

Interestingly, P&G is leaving the door open for other retail partners to join the party and sell from their brands’ Facebook pages: A message on the splash tab of the e-commerce apps invites customers to “Purchase on Facebook through these trusted retailers” – although eStore is the only option currently available (Walmart is rumoured to be interested).

Apart from the innovative ‘f-commerce without tears’ approach adopted by P&G, what’s interesting is WHY P&G are doing f-commerce at all.

It seems that for P&G f-commerce is less about sales, and more about creating a “Live Learning Lab” for the business to learn about consumers, customer centricity and e-commerce.

Whilst it may be clear why P&G are selling on Facebook, it’s less clear why consumers will want to buy from the Facebook pages of P&G brands. Why buy P&G brands on Facebook when you can buy them on eStore, or any number of online beauty and household retailers?  It’s no cheaper or faster than on eStore – in fact the stores are (ports of) the eStore.  There appear to no added benefits to shopping from Facebook brand pages.

P&G might think that consumers will appreciate the theoretical convenience of not having to leave the familiar and trusted Facebook environment and click through to external websites, but we don’t think convenience is a real f-commerce benefit.  P&G may be setting up the store as a virtual flagship store, that like other flagship stores is not there to make money, but to build the brand, and if so fair enough.  But unless P&G offer a compelling benefit for shopping on Facebook, we’re not convinced it will work.

Ultimately, our view is that simply replicating what’s available elsewhere on the Web is not a viable f-commerce solution.  The future, we think, is in Facebook fan-stores offering fan-first and fan-only exclusives, along with exclusive branded fan merchandise. All with a view to activating brand advocacy.  If P&G don’t play the “fan-exclusives” card with f-commerce, consumers may be unwilling to shop there.


Rumour: Apple Will Have TWO New iPhones In September

Apple will be releasing two new iPhones this September, says Deutsche Bank analyst Chris Whitmore in a note this morning.

It will release the iPhone 5, and the iPhone 4S, a “mid-range” prepaid smartphone priced at $350. The data plans would work similarly to the iPad. Users could sign up and pay for what they need when they need it.

“With Nokia and RIMM struggling, the time is right for Apple to aggressively penetrate the mid range smart-phone market,” says Whitmore.

If Whitmore’s report is accurate it would confirm a lot of rumors we’ve heard this year around the iPhone.

Since February reports have mentioned a cheaper iPhone to expand Apple’s market and fend off the rapid growth of Android. We’ve also read conflicting reports about whether or not Apple is releasing a redesigned phone for iPhone 5 or just a mild internal upgrade producing a faster version of the iPhone 4.


The iPad is still unrivalled in the tablet market.


The effect Facebook is having on time spent on the rest of the web


100+ Beautiful Slides from Cannes Lions 2011


Visual design and projection: Coca-Cola’s 125th Anniversary Celebration


Things Left Unshared by @paulisakson


#stats #data Social Entertainment – Annual Report 2011


Retail showdown. Amazon VS Walmart. FIGHT.




Everything you needed to know about David Ogilvy


Everything is a Remix: Part 3.