
Social media, BMW and the way forward

So here’s a little something I presented on behalf of BMW for AutomotiveWorld recently. The event was entitled ’Social networks and the global auto industry: the marketing opportunity’.

I talked about social media trends from an automotive perspective with some key learnings from BMW.. and then answered a load of questions in one of those fancy Q&A things. I’ll admit that it was a moderately enjoyable experience on the whole.

Bizarrely, I was in quite illustrious company with the other two speakers being Leo Rayman (@leorayman), Head of Social Strategy at DDB UK and Mary Henige (@maryhenige), Director of Social Media and Digital Communications at General Motors. I was pretty chuffed to be asked to join them and as expected, they were both great story tellers.

The slides may not make a whole lot of sense without a voice in the background talking over them but have a look, see what you think. Comment, like, embed away and if there’s enough interest i’ll put it up for download where you’ll get all the flashy transitions, speaker notes and a rather brilliant (if I may say so myself) spinning wheel effect on slide 4.


Fifa video game comes to Facebook

Fifa superstars
The game is Playfish’s first release since it was bought by Fifa makers EA

The latest video game in the Fifa football series has launched on Facebook rather than on games consoles.

The popularity of social media games has risen in recent years with up to 250 million global players logging on to various games each month.

Previous console Fifa games have retailed at around £30 but FIFA Superstars is free to play online.

The footballers making up each player’s team are purchased in packs at a cost of £1 – £2 per pack.

Players pit their teams against those belonging to their Facebook friends.

As the tournament progresses, each player earns points which can also be used to purchase team members.

Unlike console-based versions of Fifa games in which the player can decide to play as a manager, a player or both, on Facebook players can only be managers of virtual teams made up of real players from around the world.

They can also opt to participate in league games outside of their “friends” network.

“The Facebook version is a strategy game,” said Playfish chief executive Kristian Segerstrale.

“It extends the Fifa franchise by enabling you to play with friends.”

It will also reflect events as they unfold in the World Cup said Mr Segerstrale, although the details are yet to be announced.

There will be a new edition of the console version of Fifa at a later date.

Social media games developer Playfish was bought by Fifa makers Electronic Arts (EA) for $300m (£170m) in 2009.

This has the potential to be quite huge.. and further establishing Facebook as a nascent gaming platform.


Coke ARG: The Secret Is Out There 


Durex Baby

Very clever.


The 1st Interactive 3D Building Projection in Asia


PSFK presents Future of Retail report


Turning your outdoor poster in to an interactive puzzle. Genius.


Creative Review: The Nike78 Project

Nike78 is a design project initiated by soon-to-be LCC graduate Paul Jenkins, who has given 78 pairs of Nike shoes out to designers and creatives internationally and asked them to “challenge the function of a pair of Nike shoes”. The results are now up in an online gallery.


The project came about after the LCC was offered a selection of shoes by Nike that were leftover from its 1948 concept store, for a student to use in a project. Jenkins came up with the idea to use the shoes to encourage new design ideas. In devising the list of collaborators, he drew on the knowledge he attained while interning in Berlin as part of the LCC ‘year in industry’ that selected students on the BA Graphic and Media Design take part in. “Whilst I was interning in Berlin, my night job was sourcing creative talent worldwide,” says Jenkins. “I didn’t want Nike78 to be just another creative project with the same people and the same styles of work produced. Instead I invited people who from their style/work/projects I could see had a touch of conceptual excellence.”


A selection of the resulting concepts are shown here. Shown top is Wieden + Kennedy TokyoLAB’s contribution, which sees a Nike shoe reconfigured as a fish tank. A film of the shoe-tank in action is shown above. “The shoes we received were Nike Air Max 360, which emphasises the air in the soles more than any other Nike shoe,” say W+K TokyoLAB. “So we decided to create something based on the concept of air. What we did was keep the soles filled with air as is, but take off the upper part of the shoe and use it to mould a clear material into that shape. This became an aquarium for goldfish.”


Adrian Newell used his shoe to create a typeface that could be used to represent Nike. “I used the soles of the shoe to create prints and based the typeface on the digital timer seen at the end of the 100m track,” he says.


Erica Dorn and This Is Studio took a more homely approach, creating a cake and a pair of knitted Nike shoes respectively. Dorn describes her ‘Marathon Cake’ as “the edible negative calorific equivalent of a full-length marathon”. Yum.


Niek Eijsbouts of KesselsKramer ad agency in Amsterdam wrote a number of poems inspired by his shoes, one of which is shown above.


Dan Mather, by contrast, transformed his Nikes into cycling shoes compatible with clipless/SPD pedals.


Matthew Dent used the materials and textures of his Nike shoe to create a book filled with characters running the marathon.


Riitta Ikonen and Ian Wright collaborated for the project, using their Nike shoes to create these fashionable masks. “An athletically challenged and visually impaired pair, we went for sporting the face rather than the body,” they say.


The rest of the outcomes of the project can be viewed online at Jenkins will also be exhibiting many of them at a showcase of the project at this year’s London Design Festival in September.


Activity on Facebook by Age


TED Talk – Advertising: The Work Life Balance Battle

I love TED Talks.


Design for Networks by Mike Arauz


Your Heineken: Customise A 6-Pack

I remember watching a great presentation from my previous CEO a few years back on how personalisation and customisation was to be the xfactor of future product marketing, that was on the back of some of the first NikeID stores, and while botique beer brands have been doing this for a few years, AKQA and Heineken are now bringing this to the mainstream with “Your Heineken” and it’s a step above the rest with a neat online tool that allows you to customise almost 100% of the bottle in 3D. Upload images, text, photos, you name it and they’ll be rendered in 3D on the bottle to give you a preview before you buy. Pretty cool. Check it out at “Your Heineken” here.



The future of online shopping? Concept retail iPad app.

It may be heralded as the future of reading already but is this what the future of online shopping could look like? I love how the clothes move in the background.


In a perfect world..

Here’s a selection, there’s a load more on the via link below. Brilliant brilliant brilliant.


You know in life when there are things that you are used to but at the same time annoy you? Those things are exactly what artist Catrin Dulay has tried to express using illustrations with fun messages. The world would be so perfect if everybody had a pen, if all the machines accepted wrinkled dollar bills, that all stickers peel off clean, etc.

Illustrations with clever messages are used by other artists as well, like these guys that wanted to show how ironic life would be if everything was upside down in our lives.


















Platform Participation Chart



The rise of collaborative consumption


Van Gogh self portrait out of 2700 coloured polo shirts

Japanese clothing company Onward Kashiyama promotes its “Couleurs” collection with a pixelated self-portrait of Van Gogh composed of 2700 polo shirts in 24 different varieties.


The Rebirth of Slick


Swamped by choice. The endless possibilities of summer.


This is how you advertise a fragrance online.

How do you advertise a product, in this case fragrance, online? Something so traditionally difficult to ‘sell’ without smell(ing).

Seamlessly blur the physical and virtual spaces like this rather brilliant video above does. Watch and marvel.