
How to remove the ‘Recommended User to Follow’ feature on Twitter

Lots of steps for lots of browsers after the jump…

To remove the Recommended Followers list from Twitter

If you are using Firefox

  1. Install Firefox
  2. Install AdBlock Plus
  3. Start Firefox and go to Twitter.
  4. Click on the arrow on the right of the AdBlock Icon
  5. Select Preferences from the dropdown list.
  6. Click Add Filter
  7. Paste in this string: ##*#recommended-similar-users
  8. Click Add Filter
  9. Paste in this string: ##*#recommended_users
  10. You want to do this slowly so you can savor it.. Look at the recommendations list. Really look at it.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Poof! Sucker be gone.

If you are using Internet Explorer

  1. Install IE7Pro
  2. Start Internet Explorer
  3. Select IE7 Pro Preferences from the Tools menu.
  4. Under Modules, select the Ad Blocker checkbox. Click OK.
  5. Close and restart Internet Explorer.
  6. Select IE7 Pro Preferences from the Tools menu.
  7. Select Ad Blocker on the list on the left.
  8. In the Filter Type dropdown list, select Div Filter.
  9. Click Add Filter
  10. Paste “recommended_users” (no quotes) in the Rule line. Click Add.
  11. Click Add Filter
  12. Paste “recommended-similar-users” (no quotes) in the Rule line. Click Add.
  13. Click OK.
  14. No more annoying suggestions from twitter!

If you are using Chromium or Chrome

These may be slightly less exact because I am rebuilding them from a tweet. If you do it and I screwed something up, let me know and I will tweak it. Thanks to Ed Borasky for these instructions.

  1. Select Extensions from the Tools menu.
  2. Select AdBlock
  3. Select Options
  4. Blacklist:[id=”recommended_users”]
  5. Blacklist:[id=”recommended-similar-users“]
  6. There is probably an OK or two to click but I am just guessing.
  7. No more annoying suggestions from twitter!

One reply on “How to remove the ‘Recommended User to Follow’ feature on Twitter”

Since the new Twitter’s come along, I’ve added these[id=”whotofollow_recommendations”] .ul[class=”recommended-followers”] .h2[class=”wtf-component”] .div[class=”wtf-inner”]

And it’s disappeared

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