Lots of steps for lots of browsers after the jump…
To remove the Recommended Followers list from Twitter
If you are using Firefox
- Install Firefox
- Install AdBlock Plus
- Start Firefox and go to Twitter.
- Click on the arrow on the right of the AdBlock Icon
- Select Preferences from the dropdown list.
- Click Add Filter
- Paste in this string: ##*#recommended-similar-users
- Click Add Filter
- Paste in this string: ##*#recommended_users
- You want to do this slowly so you can savor it.. Look at the recommendations list. Really look at it.
- Click OK.
- Poof! Sucker be gone.
If you are using Internet Explorer
- Install IE7Pro
- Start Internet Explorer
- Select IE7 Pro Preferences from the Tools menu.
- Under Modules, select the Ad Blocker checkbox. Click OK.
- Close and restart Internet Explorer.
- Select IE7 Pro Preferences from the Tools menu.
- Select Ad Blocker on the list on the left.
- In the Filter Type dropdown list, select Div Filter.
- Click Add Filter
- Paste “recommended_users” (no quotes) in the Rule line. Click Add.
- Click Add Filter
- Paste “recommended-similar-users” (no quotes) in the Rule line. Click Add.
- Click OK.
- No more annoying suggestions from twitter!
If you are using Chromium or Chrome
These may be slightly less exact because I am rebuilding them from a tweet. If you do it and I screwed something up, let me know and I will tweak it. Thanks to Ed Borasky for these instructions.
- Select Extensions from the Tools menu.
- Select AdBlock
- Select Options
- Blacklist: twitter.com##div[id=”recommended_users”]
- Blacklist: twitter.com##div[id=”recommended-similar-users“]
- There is probably an OK or two to click but I am just guessing.
- No more annoying suggestions from twitter!
One reply on “How to remove the ‘Recommended User to Follow’ feature on Twitter”
Since the new Twitter’s come along, I’ve added these
twitter.com# .ul[class=”recommended-followers”]
twitter.com# .h2[class=”wtf-component”]
twitter.com# .div[class=”wtf-inner”]
And it’s disappeared