Month: June 2010
Datavis – World Cup Predictions
Forrester: Social Media Strategy
This is big.
Made of Music
Here’s a fun interactive installation that Brazil’s AlmapBBDO did for Adweek sister magazine Billboard. The digital poster prompted users to select, out of a larger group, three musicians whose music they most identify with or have been influenced by. The poster then created an image of the user made up of small pixel-like images of those musicians. The tagline is: “You are made of music.” See some of the user-created images over on Flickr. Via Adverblog.
Evolution of the World Cup ball

How much???
Wise Words
In this first episode, the often amorphous practice of intuitive problem solving is defined and examined by leading voices within the planning community.
Facebook Answers is coming

Or a variation of it.
According to this I just grabbed. Ask a question on Facebook and get your answer. Like Yahoo Answers but with the obvious advantage of it being Facebook..
What we think others can see
Deconstructing Fan Value
This is excellent. Perhaps somewhat shamefully I’d not heard of Mark before but watch this video. I’d put a big fat ‘like’ button all over it if I could.
I’m a big believer of the fact that everything that is created doesn’t have to be unique and brand new. Is copying theft? That’s a question Mark answers in the video.
In short he answers saying that you learn from the past and those around you. Its an evolutionary process, a fundamental part of our development and a refinement of existing ideas. Most of the things we see are inspired by the things that come before us. But copying on its own, won’t get you anywhere further, you have to add something to it yourself (the copy loop) Thus, keep what works and make it better (the inspiration loop).
@faris has taken on a similar mantle which I’m an advocate of – talent imitates, genius steals and I’m sure he’ll have something to say about the video.
The Strategic Sweet Spot
Kitten goes nuts… at his reflection
There is no doubt that consumer are becoming more empowered on the shopping front. With the smartphone, shoppers are able to access a range of informational tools while in the store, in a specific category aisle, and when directly facing a brand or product on the store shelf.
Social media has led to community sourcing through product reviews, customer service reviews, and recommendations. Online retailing has given shoppers the ability to price compare. As a marketer, I understand that many decisions are still made when in the store. No matter how many commercials or online advertisements she is exposed to or how many websites visited, the “moment of truth” lies in that shopping aisle when the shopper reaches out her hands to remove the branded product off of the store shelf and place into her shopping cart. This is not to exclude the other actions that are occurring: reviewing product labels, checking on pricing, reviewing past experiences and influencing by formed perceptions.
The retailer Target understands that shopping and in-store decision-making has changed as access to information is easily accessible in-store on the shopper’s own terms and peer influence is able to invade the in-store stage itself (before it was prominent in the pre-store and post-store experience). Target has responded with a strong shopper iPhone application. Recently, it added a new feature that hits to the heart of the decision at the aisle…that moment when a shopper is reviewing a product label, has the product in hand, and is a second away from putting it into her cart or back onto the shelf. That feature is Target’s barcode scanning. A shopper can use her iPhone (with the Target app) to scan any item. This allows her to gain access to product reviews, information and ability of it within the store.
· Have unanswered questions? This iPhone app may have the additional product information that she needs to feel satisfied that this product will perform the function she needs fulfilled.
· Will I have buyer’s remorse? The product reviews exposing opinions from shoppers like her may soothe her hesitations; thus, nudge her towards placing it in her shopping cart.
· How many are left within the store? For big purchases, knowing there are 2 versus 20 can either speed up or slow down her decision-making process.
The biggest factor I believe the barcode feature addition provides is the ability to shop Target when at a different retailer. UPC codes are universal; thus she is able to scan the code to gain Target’s price and stock information, as well as any current special deals. She is able to garner value-added information providing a goodwill and helpful gesture by Target. The app is able to affect the “moment of truth” at another retailer’s store shelf; it may influence her to return her cart, leave the store and shop at Target.
(Post by Anne Gibson)