This is excellent. Perhaps somewhat shamefully I’d not heard of Mark before but watch this video. I’d put a big fat ‘like’ button all over it if I could.
I’m a big believer of the fact that everything that is created doesn’t have to be unique and brand new. Is copying theft? That’s a question Mark answers in the video.
In short he answers saying that you learn from the past and those around you. Its an evolutionary process, a fundamental part of our development and a refinement of existing ideas. Most of the things we see are inspired by the things that come before us. But copying on its own, won’t get you anywhere further, you have to add something to it yourself (the copy loop) Thus, keep what works and make it better (the inspiration loop).
@faris has taken on a similar mantle which I’m an advocate of – talent imitates, genius steals and I’m sure he’ll have something to say about the video.
One reply on “Mark Coleran: Copying versus Inspiration”
It's amazing to see how much is derivative, and how much plagiarism there is as part of this brave new world of the 'social web'.