Month: April 2010
Eye-catching interactive LED wall
Now this is sweet.
PSFK Good Brands Report 2010
A solid recommendation worthy of your time. Kudos to all the brands listed.
In an attempt to harness the power of social networking, HTC are looking to connect with Facebook users to help them come up with a name for one of their new mobile phone devices.
HTC have posted a poll on its official Facebook Fan Page highlighting that employee’s of the Taiwanese handset vendor are working on a new device that will be “playful and full of youth”, asking users to choose from one of four possible names.
The names, in no particular order are; HTC Jovi, HTC Zeal, HTC Wildfire and HTC Festi. There are no further details suggesting what the device will offer or when it will be released.
As we write this, there have been 5045 votes on the poll (which requires the user to grant access to their account to successfully vote) with the HTC Wildfire taking 49 percent of the total votes.
Whilst we feel that none of the names suggested are particularly memorable or innovative, you could possibly imagine a device going by the name of Wildfire, even if it does sound like a Magic Tree scent you would affix to the rear-view mirror of your car.
Whether HTC will stick by its intention to crowd-source the name of their new phone is another question entirely but we do have to applaud the fact they opened it up to a public vote in the first place.
[Source – Crave]
Matt Brian Mobile Editor, The Next Web
Matt is based near London and is the Mobile Editor for TheNextWeb. He is the founder of and enjoys all things internet. You can follow him on Twitter and Facebook. You can reach Matt via email at
Lonely Planet has responded to the ash induced European travel crisis by offering it’s iPhone guides as freebies for 13 European cities.
Travellers will (rightly) be left with a sense that Lonely Planet is looking after them. From Lonely Planet’s perspective, users will get to test drive the Lonely Planet apps which will hopefully drive them to purchasing more in the future.
The cities covered are Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Budapest, Copenhagen, Istanbul, London, Moscow, Munich, Paris, Rome, Stockholm and Vienna and the apps will be free until Thursday 22 April. Of course, as part of Apple’s model, once you download the apps, ongoing usage and upgrades remain free. Unsurprisingly, at the time of writing 14 of the top 15 free travel apps were occupied by Lonely Planet (in the UK app store).
In the announcement, Tom Hall, Lonely Planet’s Travel Editor, said ‘Travellers stuck in unfamiliar places need access to practical information as well as suggestions on what to do whilst stranded’.
The comments on the announcement are largely supportive of the move, although there is call for Android versions as well.
Nu, what are you waiting for? You’ve got 13 apps to download!
David Reinhardt
David is a London based technologist working for PA Consulting Group. He likes to think about how people and organisations get the most out of emerging technologies. You can find him on his blog and Twitter.
Another great pres.
Google Envelopes, Beta Of Course
Designers Rahul Mahtani & Yofred Moik from the Industrial Design program at Syracuse University came up with this concept called Google Envelopes. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to map the course of mail and how it can tell a story? They came up with Google Envelopes, which can be sent through G-Mail itself. It’s only a concept, but totally viable and something people can immediately understand.
Designers: Rahul Mahtani & Yofred Moik
I love the integration with web Gmail. You can see it happening so easily. There’s a whole art lost of sending and receiving a letter in this day and age which I used to love. There’s so much more emotional involvement with a letter than an email.
Last week Music in Manchester produced the final poster in a series of four designed to promote Manchester City Football Club’s “big four” Premiership home fixtures of the football season – complete with an illustration of Carlos Tevez by Shephard Fairey’s studio, Studio Number One…
Music commissioned four illustrators to each produce an iconic image of a City player who would be the focus of the campiagns for the games against Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester United. Each City player depicted used to play for the opposing team at one time – hence ex Manchester United player Tevez appearing on the above poster which promoted Saturday’s game (April 17) against United.
“We wanted to treat the games for what they really are, a unique experience more likened to a gig than a game of football, explains Music’s Dave Simpson. “Our aim was to work with illustrators and produce pieces of iconic artwork that captured great moments in the club’s history.”
Here are the other three posters produced during the season and posted up around Manchester:
Todd Slater created the illustration for the above poster which features Craig Bellamy and which promoted the game against Liverpool on 21 February
This poster to promote the game against Chelsea on 5th December features Shaun Wright-Philips as envisaged by illustrator Chris White
And this illustration of Emmanuel Adebayor by Michael Gillette adorned the poster for the September match between Man City and Arsenal.
“The Big Four games provide an opportunity to celebrate those cult players who relish such occasions and transcend the barriers between culture and football,” says Chris Kay, head of marketing at Manchester City. “Creating a stylised campaign, unique for a football club, puts Manchester City at the centre of the cultural fabric of Manchester.”
Love these illustrations. Man City really are ahead of the pack when it comes to this kinda thing and embodying the brand.
The SWP one is my fave (number 3)
The 100 Brands Project.

“Robin of Shoreditch, a merry little band of creative outlaws looking to help brands in a slightly different way.
Our first project is the 100 Brands Project, as you’ll see from the video below. Over the coming months, we’ll be providing every one of Brand Z’s Top 100 brands with a creative idea that can make a difference to their company.
In return, all we ask for is 1/10,000,000 (that’s one ten-millionth) of the value of their brand as a fee. We’ll then send on 100% of that fee to the continued relief efforts in Haiti.”
This is why I’m continually impressed by the reach of this Twitter thing..
Sent from miPhone
Jamie Does… Pizza Hut
Jamie Does… Pizza Hut
I was just reading an impressive article on the BBC News web site about Jamie Oliver’s latest venture to plough millions of his own cash over the next 10-15years in to a scheme that aims to improve the school dinners for primary schools in the UK. His idea is to provide the funding to allow schools to apply for it to build better kitchens, gardens, fruit trees, seeds, as well as provide mentors and advisers to help with all areas.
This is the stuff of legends. In a way it is sad that it takes a chef to motivate and create opportunities like this. Like his Fifteen restaurants which funds chef apprenticeships for disadvantaged young people. I mean sad, but amazing. Love him or loath him what have you done that even compares to this? Exactly.
However it lead me to look on 4oD to watch his new series ‘Jamie Does…‘. I wonder if he is aware that the advert running before his programme is for Pizza Hut? Not that he can control this, but interesting choice from the media planners to place an advert for a company that produces the worst type of food to be advertising before a programme of someone whose principles in life are to use good, healthy food as a means to improve life for all.
Just saying.
Gizmodo say this is the next iPhone
via Gizmodo

Is this for real? For the record I clicked cancel. Something smells a bit odd with this.
Be the manliest Foursquare userBeef up your check-ins to win 500 bucks
worth of going out outfitsIt’s International Foursquare Day today, so we’re gearing up for a challenge. Oh, you’re not acquainted with Foursquare? It’s basically a live man-map for you to show off where you’ve been. A phone app for ‘checking in’ where you go. It tells your friends where you are. They smugly pretend they know all about it as they frantically Google to research the venue.
For the next two weeks, we’re asking our brothers in the UK and USA to stake their claim for the manliest check in.
Prove you’ve been to the manliest guy-den by checking in to the most eye-catching venue. Have you been to B&Q recently? Or a burlesque parlour? Or a prison?
Here’s how you do it…
#1Download the FourSquare app
#2Become our friends by clicking here
#3Check into the most masculine places possible
#4Then it’s over to us. We check out your check ins, and the most impressive location wins the 500 big ones towards a going out outfit.
And if you cheat and check in at venues you haven’t been to, we have SWAT teams of vigilante Foursquare location-busters ready to crash through your window and catch you in the act. See terms and conditions here
Love this from French Connection.