Be the manliest Foursquare userBeef up your check-ins to win 500 bucks
worth of going out outfitsIt’s International Foursquare Day today, so we’re gearing up for a challenge. Oh, you’re not acquainted with Foursquare? It’s basically a live man-map for you to show off where you’ve been. A phone app for ‘checking in’ where you go. It tells your friends where you are. They smugly pretend they know all about it as they frantically Google to research the venue.
For the next two weeks, we’re asking our brothers in the UK and USA to stake their claim for the manliest check in.
Prove you’ve been to the manliest guy-den by checking in to the most eye-catching venue. Have you been to B&Q recently? Or a burlesque parlour? Or a prison?
Here’s how you do it…
#1Download the FourSquare app
#2Become our friends by clicking here
#3Check into the most masculine places possible
#4Then it’s over to us. We check out your check ins, and the most impressive location wins the 500 big ones towards a going out outfit.
And if you cheat and check in at venues you haven’t been to, we have SWAT teams of vigilante Foursquare location-busters ready to crash through your window and catch you in the act. See terms and conditions here
Love this from French Connection.