Interesting vid. Worth a watch.
Month: January 2010
iPhone 4G Rumours Visualized

Can you solve the secret?
Looking at the video below, do you think you can solve the secret? It’s a simple idea really, just place an ordinary die on top of a mirror. In real life, the die has black and red spots like any good die should, but in the reflection it has no spots. When you turn the die, and move it around – still no spots. Crazy I know, but really amazing.
Ronald McDonald like never before..
These are incredible. Truly. And just shows how globally, universally well known he is to be a character promoting fast foods but in these pictures showing a completely different persona than one you would normally associate.

Great video and story of the making of new Google Chrome spots from BBH. Ben Malbon opens the video and you can find more on the BBH blog. (Linked above) These guys are on fire right now and deserve to be. We live in an age where it’s harder and harder for brands to tell their own stories; social media, word of mouth, consumer influence have taken over. So if you are going to create something as traditional as a TV spot, best to make it so wonderful that people not only want to hear the story, they want to know the story behind the story.
Wow, just wow. This is great.
Are you ready for the 21st Century (Video)
Internet Self-Portraits by Gender
I’m guessing this is correct for 95% of all facebook avatars. But why? Any guys who are showing their torso’s in their avatars? Girls: are breasts such an important part of your character that we won’t recognize you without them? Or is that just the impression guys give you? Either way it is an interesting phenomenon.
Airport Security Fail
The App Store Economy
Beautiful shots of lightning striking Burj Khalifa in Dubai – recently crowned tallest building in the world.
Photos courtesy of Alisdair Miller.